Raddl 5 stars

There's value in your voice

Only Raddl rewards with you with real cash back on every purchase for posting an honest review.

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Buy a product. Submit and Honest & True Review. Get up to 70% cash back. No catch. No strings. Just real money.

Genuine Reviews Deserve GIANT Rewards

Get up to 70% OFF for your Honest & True Product Review.

By recognizing the power and importance of Honest & True Product Reviews, Raddl connects companies and consumers in a way that creates the ultimate win-win scenario:

  • Raddl Members use the value of their voice and get reimbursed up to 70% OFF every product purchase.
  • Companies get both truthful and honest opinions about their products directly from the people who are buying them.
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How it works


Create Your FREE Member Account

Get instant access to our exclusive member-only pricing catalog when you create a Raddl Account. Setup is simple... and FREE!

FREE Raddl Member Signup

Purchase Your Products

Raddl Premium Members receive up to 70% OFF all purchases. First, buy product at list price. Then, receive your Beyond Black Friday Discount after submitting your Honest & True Product Review.


Submit Your Honest & True Review

Submit your Product Review to Raddl within 21 days after receiving your purchase. We’ll verify it, and let you know when it’s LIVE on ShopRaddl.com!

Reviews are easy to complete and DO NOT have to be 5-stars in order to receive your discount. Your voice has value and Raddl wants to reward you for a truthful opinion.


Receive Your Raddl Reward Discount*

After your review is approved, we’ll credit back your reward discount directly into your account as a rebate. Your monthly credit card or bank statement will clearly show the Raddl Member purchase price because of your product review!

*Some of our brand partners may want to show your review too! So, we may ask you post a portion of your Raddl Review to their site prior to applying your reward.

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